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Device Configuration App (DCA) for IPAS DALIControl gc16plus (1 or 2 Channel)
Order No.: 4101-145-11, 4101-145-21
Application: DaliControl gc16-1 Plus_V1.1.0, DaliControl gc16-2 Plus_V1.1.0

Coloured light control including device type 8 ECGs:
Colour temperature (DT-8 Sub-Type TC)
XY colour (DT-8 Sub-Type XY)
RGB (DT-8 Sub-Type RGBWAF)
HSV (DT-8 Sub-Type RGBWAF)

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The ise Service App makes it possible to update application program versions to the latest version if the ETS function "Update Application Program Version" is not available for compatibility reasons.

This app automatically adopts all previous parameter settings and group address links that would otherwise have to be re-created manually.

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This App will automatically create a snapshot of your ETS project (as knxproj) in a specified, project-specific location.

This is useful if you are working with several projects and want to
- include versions of the projects in a backup solution
- synchronize the versions with a cloud service (e.g. Dropbox®)
- deploy the project to a location accessible by other persons or tools

ETS5 has a similar facility named "recovery points". In contrast to the AutoBackup App, recovery points are not stored in project-specific folders and thus do not provide client isolation.

The current app version works only from ETS 5.7.2! The app is available for ETS6.

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"Check and Improve" helps you ensure and improve the formal quality of your ETS projects. This includes the verification and semi-automatic correction of spelling, configurable naming conventions, and the assignment of Datapoint types.
Without much effort, the project gets more clearly arranged, better maintainable and will be the perfect base for further use, e.g. for a visualization.

Some details:

The Spell checker can make use of many freely available dictionaries in lots of languages e.g. from the OpenOffice and Mozilla projects, plus user dictionaries for additional words.

The naming conventions can be defined by combining building blocks like "alternative", "concatenation", "list of allowed names", "list of names from project", "pattern" etc. to a rule.

The Datapoint type assignment has access to an online database with information currently about approx. 1000 application programs (continuously growing).

The current app version works only from ETS 5.7.2! The app is available for ETS6.

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For full system visualisation, telegrams shall be allowed to pass the line coupler. To this end, a dummy device is inserted in the ETS project. It contains all the Group Addresses required by the visualisation system. The ETS takes the Group Addresses from the dummy device into account when creating the filter tables.

Fill VisualizationDummy helps you to link a dummy device in the ETS with a list of Group Addresses for a visualization.
Product data for dummy devices can be obtained from several manufacturers.

The information about the group addresses can be read either from a file (different formats are supported), or the group addresses can be selected from the current ETS4 project by drag and drop.
The current app version works only from ETS 5.7.2! The app is available for ETS6.

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